Forest animals in revolt

Almost done. Some parts fresh some parts heal...
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Brussels Tattoo Convention

Last weekend I worked at the International Brussels Tattoo Convention. Here are some tattoos that I did there: On Friday, I tattooed this mechanical owl, too bad I don't have a better picture of it.  Saturday's first tattoo... and no,  it's not Jar Jar!And the second tattoo from Saturday:  And finaly,  I did this one on Sunday. My client was a bit exhausted by the tattoo session that he had the day before...
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Hell Yeah Hamster!

I can't say no to small tattoos like th...
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This winged unicorn had to go.

This winged unicorn had to go. Some parts are fresh and some are heal...
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Catching up...

It has been a month ago since my last post. Time flies very quick lately. So to catch up a bit, here are the latest projects that I have finished.I start with today's "We know who we are..."project that took me 3 sessions and I need to say that this Girl is a trooper. Today I worked on the lines, text, put the purple and some blood. Then I had a pleasure to tattoo fellow tattooer: Kai who works at "Gestochen Scharf". He and his girlfriend...
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