We know who we are when tested

The first one went well and found his owner quickly.Since I have a lot of hudge projects I need some smaller pieces for a change. So here is the 2nd round. I think, if time allows, I could keep making one-off designs every month. That would be great. Anyway, the rules are quite the same as before. So,  first comes first served!; and I want to do this unchanged (I might add some shading in the background if needed) and...
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tribal tattoos

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tattoo quote

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In the spirit of gratitude I thought I would share some things I'm feeling grateful for.  I try and think about what I'm thankful for everyday, and I have to admit that writing these little lists out always puts me in the best mood. It's a good exercise, and I love having these posts to look back on on a particularly down day to cheer me right up. So, without further ado, here's my list-1. My family. I feel lucky to be married to my...
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Reap what U sow

Ok, here is a classical flash that has been done in many ways.  This one is from my point of view.I'm dying to tattoo this in original size ( 15 x 16 cm without background ).  Anyone who is interested to get this special one of a kind design send a titeld message "Reap what U sow" to: jankowzki@gmail.com Or even better come to see me (from wednesday till saturday between 12 and 12:30 o'clock) at Kynst to make directly...
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Tattoo Tuesday V.97

 Name and blog name: Kierstan Burke and I just have a tumblr.Occupation: I work part time as a bartender and part time as a cake decorator.Age of first tattoo: I was 16. My dad drove me to Idaho to get it. I really wish he would have just made me wait. All the tattoos I got before the age of 20 are all covered up at this point.Favorite tattoo: I have 3 favorites! My wolf head on my thigh, my portrait of Clara Bow, and my best friend...
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girl tattoo designs

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Weekend links

a little sneak peek of our session with our friend Christina Heaston last week! More to come.Happy day before Henry's birthday party to me! Or, happy day of running around doing errands for me. Or even, happy day before I get to see almost all of our loved ones in one place! Either way, it's awesome. Nothing's better than a big together of family and friends who are family, and tomorrow 50-something wonderful people will be filling our...
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taylor swift tattoo

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