Sneak peek

An old classmate of mine came by today to work further on his leg. We shared our comic obsession during school and he always mention  to get Cover image from Witchblade tattooed. So here a small sneak preview of how it turns out till today.And then a bit of  Greek mythology...
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Blues is the colour

 Something I manage to finish few weeks ago on a very devoted blues f...
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Yeah Finally. It was a very productive day at Kynst. After a year I finally manage to finish a half sleeve on my old colleague. Long story to make it short: "its finished!!!". And from now on, I will never, ever again use color's on dark tinted skin. Yep ...they turn totally different. But the result is nice.The colors are all healed except the fan. I reworked almost all lines.While finishing this an customer of mine came today...
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